December 5, 2018

Communication Strategies from the Efficiency Monster, with Justin Kerr

Episode 164:

Justin Kerr describes himself as an “efficiency monster”. He’s also an expert in effective business communication, leadership and management development, and creating a successful workplace environment.

Justin is a fascinating person with an impressively diverse background. He has served as the youngest senior executive at major clothing brands like Gap™, Old Navy™, and Levi’s®. He is the author of fourteen books, including his most recent title How to be Good Great at Your Job. Justin is the host of the Mr. Corpo podcast, has toured across the US in his rock band, and even keeps rooftop bees (no, seriously).

As multifaceted as Justin is, he says his number one passion is workplace efficiency. Today, Justin works to help others improve their time management by learning to write better emails, communicate more effectively, and stop wasting precious minutes that could be better spent elsewhere.


How much do you really accomplish in your day? How much time do you waste writing emails, waiting on people to answer you back, and putting off big projects you know you should be focusing on? Meet Justin Kerr, the self-proclaimed “efficiency monster” who believes that wasted time throughout your day could be put to much more effective use.

Justin has the distinction of being the youngest senior executive ever at some of the country’s top apparel brands. But Justin’s passions and hobbies are diverse and he wanted to find a way to carve out as much time as possible for those interests, so he began streamlining his workday and maximizing his efficiency. And thus, the “efficiency monster” was born.

In this episode, Justin shares helpful strategies and tips you can use to reclaim time and stop working past 5pm. Things as simple as the liberal use of the…

  • bullet point function

…in your emails can help ensure that your communications cut through the white noise and are seen and replied to quickly. Justin is filled to the brim with these kinds of helpful workday life hacks that will help you glide through your day and out the office door.

We all inadvertently waste time during our workday without even realizing we’re doing it, and that time adds up to lost hours each week. Thankfully, Justin “Efficiency Monster” Kerr is here to help!

Ways to contact Justin: