September 26, 2018

Reading Between the Visual Lines, with David Hooker

Episode 155:

We are taught in school how to look for deeper meaning in the context of language and literature, but we are never taught how to do the same for the images we see. It is in this depth of analysis that organizations are winning the war for the attention of the consumer.

David Hooker, lead evangelist for Prezi, the cloud-based presentation platform helps you connect more powerfully with your audience.

Examining how images influence the way we consume products and information, David Hooker discusses how advertisers are using pictures to sway public opinion about themselves and the items they buy.

In this episode, we discuss how images are dependent on the culture we live in, how public opinion changes the types of images we consume on a regular basis, and how producers of those images are trying to change our culture by changing their images. Learn how something as simple as a thumbnail picture can influence the movies you watch on a video streaming app.

David Hooker also touches on the neurological processes involved in the way we see and interpret images. He also offers practical tips for how we can use this process to our advantage as we prepare visual presentations, websites, ads, and other visual media.

Interested in hearing more? Listen to the full episode!

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